Every single one of us are in the business of moving others. At work, we aim to move our team members to action, move our customers to extend trust and confidence in us, move our suppliers to deliver consistently. The list goes on and on and it doesn’t stop when we get home. We’re selling our children on the benefits of being honest, we want them to take responsibility and make healthy choices.
Essentially, we are cajooling, convincing, persuading, influencing, twisting arms, and sometimes dragging them kicking and screaming. Even when we would like five whole minutes of peace and quiet to drink our coffee and read the latest issue of HBR, we still want everyone else in the family to cooperate.
Recognizing that spending your time moving others is critical to your business and life success, Cathy Maday will teach tools that you can use to better influence and generate greater performance for your entire team, including yourself
Read June’s White Paper, Language, Influence, and Performance and the Participant’s Guide and join The Network of Family Businesses for a virtual educational Webinar on Tuesday, June 18th 2013 at 11:00 AM EST, with Cathy Maday.
Cathy Maday, Founder, Wingspan Performance provides motivated business leaders with tools to achieve higher levels of individual, team and business performance. Their proven coaching, training, and leadership development solutions deliver real-world strategies and practical hacks for greater profit in business and life. Headquartered in Charlotte, NC, Wingspan Performance has served entrepreneurs, large corporations and the Energy and Utility industry for nine years.
Their value proposition is simple, to provide the highest quality professional services while developing long lasting, mutually beneficial partnerships with clients. They accomplish this by integrating their seasoned, values-based and client-focused professionals directly with client leaders and teams, ensuring a win-win alliance as well as tangible results. The vast majority of their clients have engaged Wingspan Perform to provide a variety of professional services continuously for several years.
Registration to join The Network of Family Businesses and be eligible for the On-Line Educational Seminar is available at: https://www.netfamilybusiness.com
For additional information email: [email protected]
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