The Mystery or the Value of Exit Planning
Experts say that 80% of the companies up for sale,FAIL TO SELL.
Over 90 % of business owners have not developed written exit strategies and 75%don’t have any plans!
Over 75% of business owners, who do sell, are dissatisfied after the sale!
Failure to plan destroys businesses and legacies.
Learn what a good exit planning strategy process looks like and how to get it done, so that owners can get back in control of their life and their future.
During this presentation participants will learn tools to immediately work “on” their business as well as work “in” their business.
Learn the Answers to Critical Presentation Questions:
• Why business owners should Exit Plan now! Why don’t they?
• Solving the Exit Planning Mystery and achieve greater value for your life’s work!
• How do company “value gaps” affect your future and what to do about them?
• The effect of company valuations on your financial planning!
• What a good Exit Planning process looks like! What it accomplishes now and in the future!
• On a scale of 1-100, how prepared are you and your company for your future?
• How do you get started planning the second half of your life?
• When do you get started?
Join The Network of Family Businesses for a virtual educational Webinar on Tuesday, July 25th 2013 at 02:30 PM Eastern Time, with Peter Christman.
Peter Christman – The “Original Exit and Succession Planning Coach” CEO and Founder of the CHRISTMAN Group, CEO and Co-Founder of the Exit Planning Institute Peter Christman is an experienced entrepreneur, corporate executive, coach and investment banker. After spending 25 years as an investment banker with other firms, Peter founded The CHRISTMAN Group, LLC to provide middle market business owners with a comprehensive and integrated suite of services that simplify the exit planning process while maximizing the value of the client’s business. The Christman Group mantra is that we want our clients to be “SET” for life. During his 30+year career Peter has successfully sold more than 200 companies in a wide variety of industries. Transactions have ranged in size from several million dollars to over one hundred million dollars. Peter is also the co-founder of the Exit Planning Institute that educates business advisors on how to implement business owner “exit planning” into their practices. The Institute has developed its own proprietary certification program. Peter has written articles on the importance of the exit planning process. He is the Co-Author of the book, “The $10 Trillion Opportunity”.
For additional information email: [email protected]
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